First days in Langkawi

Flag of a  Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia
December 12, 2013

I’ve finally made it to Langkawi which will be my home for the next 7-8 weeks.

The flight from KL was nice and quick taking just an hour and a 5 minute taxi ride got me from the Airport to the Animal shelter at Bon Ton Resort. When I arrived they didn’t seem to be expecting me as they were under the impression that I was due on the 10th and not the 8th so a quick phone call to Jeffrey who I had spoken with sorted it out and he drove over from his to collect me. To start with I have been staying at Jeff’s instead of the shelter as expected as they have several volunteer vets there who are using the staff accommodation and there is currently no room for me but that’s also given me the chance to see other parts of the Island that I wouldn’t have yet if I had stayed at the shelter.

Chinese festival

I have been in the shelter most days getting used to how it works and being shown round by Harriet the other English volunteer before she heads home for Christmas next week. It mainly consist of dog walking on a morning for the dogs that live there. That’s followed by feeding then a break for lunch before what is called rotation where the dogs come out into the main pen for 15 mins at a time to get a bit more exercise and interaction followed by an evening meal. There are also many cats there as well that are homeless and a Vets surgery built-in next to it where people can get their pets seen to and in particular spayed as an increasing population of stray cats and dogs is a major issue on the island

I’m looking forward to moving in there full time and settling into a routine for a few weeks over Christmas. My plans after that have changed as I was heading to Bangkok around the 2nd of Feb to meet up with Dani but due to the Election they have called there being held on the 2nd we have decided to meet up in Bali instead and work our way North through Asia which makes a bit more sense really as Bali is the furthest place away that we will be going.

So as well as the shelter I have seen quite a few other things. Jeff is a very nice and generous man and has let me sleep on his couch since I arrived here as well as fed and watered me each and every day. I’ve been out to a coconut plantation, swam in the pool of a $4 million Villa with a beautiful view (that’s where I am sat right now typing this!) been to the local night market a few times which is pretty cool and the past day and night I have been to a Chinese Temple festival right next door to Jeff’s house. The festival is really interesting and I have learned so much. Jeff has really got us involved with it. Free food is available there 24 hours a day for 3 days. I have burned my incense and made offerings to the Gods and tomorrow I should be walking on fire if all goes well, which will be a cool experience that I wouldn’t have had if not for Jeff and his hospitality.

Getting internet access regularly is a bit of an issue here, hence the 5 day gap since my last post, and once I settle in to the sanctuary I will probably just do an update once a week otherwise I will bore everyone with stories of dog walking and such like.


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